Lectures, Papers, Conferences

Conferences & panels organized

2024.   VANDA-4 Vienna Anthropology Days. Conference co-organizer, September 23-26, Vienna

2024.   ICTAM-10 International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicines, IASTAM: Asian Health Industries: Beyond Tradition, Beyond Medicine, Beyond Asia. Panel co-organizer & chair, June 21-24, Taipei, Taiwan

2024.   International Workshop, Graduate Institute Geneva & ÖAW Institute for Social Anthropology: Humanitarianism from Below: Alter-Politics and Struggles for the Universal. Workshop co-organizer, January 25-26, Vienna

2022.   VANDA-3 Vienna Anthropology Days. Conference co-organizer, September 26-30, Vienna

2020.   VANDA-2 Vienna Anthropology Days. Conference co-organizer, September 28 – October 1, Vienna

2017.   ICTAM-9 International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicines, IASTAM: Asian Medical Industries: Contemporary Perspectives on Traditional Pharmaceuticals. Panel organizer and chair, August 8, Kiel, Germany

2017.   International Conference, Department of South Asian, Tibetan & Buddhist Studies (University of Vienna) and Institute for Social Anthropology (Austrian Academy of Sciences): Medicine and Yoga in South and Inner Asia: Body Cultivation, Therapeutic Intervention and the Sowa Rigpa Industry. Conference co-organizer & chair, August 1-3, Vienna

2016.   IASTAM-India, First International Conference on Advances in Asian Medicine (ICAAM), Special RATIMED Symposium on Tibetan Medicine: The Emerging Sowa Rigpa Industry in Asia. Symposium organizer, January 5, Pune, India

2012.   AG Medical Anthropology International Conference: The Interstitial Body: mapping the space between medicine and the nation. Organizer & chair of invited panel, November 29-December 1, Vienna

2012.   AAA American Anthropological Association Conference: Of National Bodies, Borders, and Medical Nations: rethinking the body politic. Organizer & chair of invited double panel, November 14-18, San Francisco

Keynote lectures

2023.   International Symposium of Traditional Mongolian Integrative Medicine II: The Mongol Branch of Sowa Rigpa – Traditional and Integrative Medicine in Mongolia, Inner Mongolia, and Buryatia. September 20, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Zoom presentation)

2021.   International Symposium of Traditional Mongolian Integrative Medicine: Historicizing Brand Value – a comparison between Mongolian and Tibetan medicine. September 23, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (Zoom presentation)

2018.   BRICS International Medical Forum: The Northern Branch of Sowa Rigpa: Tibetan-Mongolian Medicine in Mongolia, Inner Mongolia, and Siberia. November 20, Moscow, Russia

2016.   100 Year Founding Anniversary of Men-Tsee-Khang: Tibetan Medical Education Outside China. September 13, Lhasa, China

2016.   IASTAM-India, First International Conference on Advances in Asian Medicine: The Transnational Sowa Rigpa Industry in Asia. January 5, Pune, India

Invited papers & lectures

2024.   China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Institute for the History of Chinese Medicine and Medical Literature: The International Development of Tibetan Medicine. July 5, Beijing

2024.   4th China Xizang Trans-Himalaya Forum for International Cooperation: Developing Tibet’s Knowledge Industry – Tibetan medicine as a cultural, economic, and ecological resource. July 3-5, Nyingchi, China

2024.   Central Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies, Sowa Rigpa Medical College: Whither Sowa Rigpa? Tibetan Medicine’s (Recent) Past and Future Between Culture, Politics, and Industry. April 1, Sarnath, India

2024.  Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Centre for the Study of Social Systems (CSSS) Colloquium: When Nationalism is Industrialised: Tibetan Medicine and the „Alter-Nation“ in an Age of Capitalism. March 28, New Delhi

2024.   Graduate Institute Geneva & ÖAW Institute for Social Anthropology International Workshop: An Afterword, or Some Remarks on Humanitarian Pluralism and Counter-Humanitarianism. January 26, Vienna

2023.   Frobenius Institut, Frobenius Kolloquium: From Nationalist Politics to Transnational Industry – Tibetan Medicine’s Development in the 20th and 21st Centuries. December 11, Frankfurt a.M., Germany

2023.   National University of Singapore, Asia Research Institute, „Workshop on Medicinal Animals and Asia“: A Case of Faunal De-Medicalization? Animal Medicines in Contemporary Sowa Rigpa Pharmaceutical Practice. May 11, Singapore

2023.   Central Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies, Dept of Sowa Rigpa: Lecture on Research Methodology. April 12, Sarnath, India

2022.   University of Vienna, Dept for Social and Cultural Anthropology, „Habilitationskolloquium“: From Tibetan Medicine to Asian Medical Industries – Trans/Nationalism, Pharmaceutical Assemblages, and Socioeconomic Transformations of Asia. October 18, Vienna

2022.   Mongolian Academy of Sciences & Mongolian University of Science and Technology, „Symposium on Traditional Mongolian Veterinary Medicine“: Traditional Veterinary Medicine in Mongolia – a preliminary historical and anthropological perspective. July 7, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

2022.   Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) book launch, „Anthropology in Motion: Encounters with Current Trajectories of Scholarship from Austria“: Tibetan Medicine and the Remaking of Inner Asia. February 22, Zoom event

2022.   Cambridge University, Mongolia and Inner Asia Research Unit (MIASU): Reappraising Mongolian Medicine: communism, continuity, and a bigger picture. January 25, Cambridge, UK

2021.   Otoch Manramba University, Ulaanbaatar, 30th Anniversary International Symposium: The Development of the Traditional Mongolian Medicine Industry. November 29, Zoom conference

2021.   Palacky University, Olomouc: Gauging the Pulse of Asia. Traditional Medicine and Capitalist Transformations. November 25, Zoom lecture

2021.   University of Oslo, Dept of Community Medicine and Global Health: An Elephant in the Room? Sowa Rigpa as an Asian Medical Industry. March 16, Zoom seminar lecture

2021.   Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram: Tibetan Medicine Between Traditional Knowledge and Modern Science. February 24, Zoom seminar lecture

2020.   ÖAW Öffentliche Sitzung der phil-hist Klasse: Bericht aus dem Institut für Sozialanthropologie. March 5, Vienna

2019.   Padma AG & Uni Bern international workshop, Probing Flexibility – Tibetische Medizin im internationalen Kontext: Neue Erkenntnisse zur tibetischen Medizinindustrie – Resultate des RATIMED Projekts. June 27, Zürich

2019.   UC Berkeley Symposium: Reflections on Traditions and Technologies – Ethical Engagements and New Directions in the Study of South Asian Medicines. April 4, Zoom conference

2018.   Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Anthropology and Ethnography: The Northern Branch of Sowa Rigpa: Tibetan/Mongolian Medicine in Mongolia, Inner Mongolia, and Siberia. November 22, Moscow

2018.   Anthropological Atelier, Oriental Institute (Czech Academy of Sciences) & Institute for Social Anthropology (Austrian Academy of Sciences): From Tibetan to Mongolian Medicine. Contextualizing Historiography and the Emergence of a Pharmaceutical Industry. June 7, Prague

2018.   Third International Conference on Tibetan Medicine: Sowa Rigpa in Asia – A Quantitative Overview. February 26, Sarnath, India

2017.   Harvard Medical School, Third Annual Conference of the WFCMS Specialty Committee of Tibetan Medicine: From Local Health Tradition to Transnational Industry: The Alienation of Tibetan Medicine. October 7, Boston

2017.   Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: Traditionelle Mongolische Medizin: Kontinuität und Wandel in globalem Kontext. June 26, Munich, Germany

2017.   Otoch Manramba Mongolian Medical University: Sowa Rigpa in Modern Asia: From traditional medicine to innovative industry. March 16, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

2016.   Oxford University ArgO-EMR Seminar, Botanical Ontologies in Asian Medicine: The Pharmaceutical Assemblage: Rethinking Sowa Rigpa and the herbal pharmaceutical industry in Asia. November 9, Oxford, UK

2016.   British Academy & Royal Anthropological Institute, Anthropology in Austria Day: From Buddhist Deities to the Spirit of Capitalism: Tibetan Medicine and the Remaking of Inner Asia. November 8, London, UK

2015.   World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Tibetan Medicine Committee Inaugural Conference: Pharmaceutical Assemblages: Assessing the Transnational Sowa Rigpa Industry in Asia. August 7-9, Xining, China

2015.   Globhealth ERC Advanced Grant Conference, From International to Global: Knowledge, Diseases and the Postwar Government of Health, CNRS/ INSERM/ CERMES3: From Scarcity to Profit: Traditional Medicine and Global Health. February 12-14, Paris, France

2014.   National Rehabilitation and Early Detection Center: From Traditional Medicine to Pharmaceutical Industry: The development of Sowa Rigpa in Mongolia, India, China and Bhutan. December 3, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

2014.   International Symposium, Institute for Social Anthropology & Department for South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, Transforming Tibetan Anatomy. Panel chair & welcome speech, June 12-13, Vienna, Austria

2014.   Argo-EMR Workshop on The Transmission of Tibetan Medicine, University of Oxford: Tibetan Medical Education in Exile. May 22-23, Oxford, UK

2014.   National Conference on Medicinal Plants, Government of India (Council for Development of Rural Areas, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Dept. of AYUSH, Dept. of Biotechnology): Assessing the Role of Materia Medica in Traditional Pharmaceutical Industries: The Case of Sowa Rigpa. February 21-22, Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi, India

2014.   Azim Premji University & St. John’s Research Institute: The Development and Preservation of Tibetan Medicine in India & Reassembling Tibetan Medicine. February 10-11, Bengaluru, India

2013.   Anthropological Atelier, Institute for Social Anthropology: Rupture of Exile, Risks of Loss: Preserving Tibetan medical Knowledge in India. December 4-6, Vienna, Austria

2013.   Wednesday Lecture, University of Vienna: Reassembling Tibetan Medicine: the formation of a transnational Sowa Rigpa industry in contemporary India, China, Mongolia and Bhutan. December 4, Vienna

2012.   AAA American Anthropological Association Conference: Alternate Imaginaries: Tibetan medicine, ethical bodies and the modern nation. November 14-18, San Francisco, USA

2012.   Universität Rostock, 6th Symposium of the Graduate School on Cultural Encounters and the Discourse of Scholarship: The Politics of Preservation and Loss: Tibetan medical knowledge in exile. September 27-29, Rostock, Germany

2011.   Cardiff University: Making a ‘Medical System’: Tibetan Medicine in Exile. January 21-22, Cardiff, UK

2010.   Bhutan Exhibition, Wien Energie Haus: Wie ‘wissenschaftlich’ ist die Tibetische Medizin? Beobachtungen zur Effektivität, Qualität und Überprüfbarkeit eines traditionellen Heilsystems. August 25, Vienna

2008.   Indian Institute of Advanced Study: Marketing the Tibetan Cause: Tibetan Medicine between Business and Politics. March 13-14, Shimla, India

2008.   French Institute of Pondicherry: Shifting Registers of Illegitimacy: Tibetan Medicine in India. March 7-9, Pondicherry, India

2006.   French Institute of Pondicherry: The Institutionalization of Tibetan Medicine in the Indian Exile. May 30, Pondicherry, India

Conference papers & lectures

2024.   AAA American Anthropological Association Conference: Roundtable on Wellbeing and Environment – new phenomenological approaches. November 20-23, Tampa, USA

2024.   ICTAM-10 International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicines, IASTAM: Whose Cultural Heritage? The Political Economy of Sowa Rigpa as Culture and Industry. June 22, Taipei, Taiwan

2021.   ECSAS European Conference on South Asian Studies: (Con)textualizing Asian Medicines – the „documentization“ of Sowa Rigpa and the anthropology of texts. July 26-29, Vienna, Austria (online)

2020.   EASA European Association for Social Anthropologists Conference: Asian Health Industries – the success and obsolescence of ‚traditional medical systems‘. July 21-24, Lisbon, Portugal (online)

2017.   ICTAM-9 International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicines, IASTAM: Gauging the Transnational Sowa Rigpa Industry: Patterns, Dynamics, and Modes of Production. (with Harilal Madhavan) August 8, Kiel, Germany

2017.   International Conference on Medicine and Yoga in South and Inner Asia, University of Vienna & Austrian Academy of Sciences: The Emergence of a Traditional Mongolian Medicine Industry. (with Harilal Madhavan) August 2, Vienna

2017.   Transfigurationen. Conference of AG Medical Anthropology, Medical Anthropology Switzerland, Vienna Dialogues in Medical Anthropology, University of Basel: Von Medizinsystemen zu Medizinindustrien: Medizinanthropologische Transfigurationen traditioneller asiatischer Medizin. February 17, Basel, Switzerland

2016.   IATS International Association for Tibet Studies Conference: Humanitarianism from Below: Tibetan Medicine and Nationalism in Global Context. June 19-24, Bergen, Norway

2013.   ICTAM-8 International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicines, IASTAM: Reassembling Tibetan Medicine: The Formation of a Transnational Sowa Rigpa Industry. September 9-13, Sancheong, South Korea

2013.   EASA-SMA European Association for Social Anthropologists – Society for Medical Anthropology Joint International Conference: Engaging the World through Tibetan Pharmaceuticals. June 12-14, Tarragona, Spain

2012.   AG Medical Anthropology International Conference: An Alternate Body Politic: Tibetan Medicine and Nationalism in Exile. November 29-December 1, Vienna, Austria

2011.   AAA American Anthropological Association Conference: When Experts Meet: the politics of theorizing the other. November 16-20, Montreal, Canada

2011.   DGV Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde Tagung: Die Alchemie exil-tibetischer Identität: Anmerkungen zur pharmazeutischen und politischen Wirksamkeit tibetischer Pillen. September 14-16, Vienna

2010.   University of California, San Francisco: Tibetan Medicine in Exile: the ethics, politics and science of cultural survival. May 12, San Francisco

2010.   Austrian Academy of Sciences: Of Potency and Impotence: Traditional Tibetan Medicine and Modern Quality Control. March 25, Vienna

2009.   ICTAM-7 International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicines, IASTAM: Joining Forces: The Marriage of Modern Science and Tibetan Medicine in Exile. September 7-11, Thimpu, Bhutan

2009.   ICTAM-7 International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicines, IASTAM: Is Tibetan Medicine ‘Indian’? The Recognition of Sowa Rigpa in India. September 7-11, Thimpu, Bhutan

2006.   AAA American Anthropological Association Conference: Ethics of Survival, Politics of Altruism: Tibetan Medicine in Exile. November 15-19, San Jose, USA

2006.   IATS International Association for Tibet Studies Conference: The Identity Politics of the Dharamsala Men-Tsee-Khang in India. August 27-September 2, Königswinter, Germany